Redeveloped Part Two: Mathematics of the Multi-Subject: Secondary Teachers (Grades 7-12) Content Specialty Test for Students with Disabilities Certification
To: | Deans and Directors of Institutions Offering Educator Preparation Programs; Certification Officers; and Other Interested Parties |
From: | John L. D’Agati, Deputy Commissioner of Office of Higher Education |
Date: | November 14, 2018 |
Subject: | Redeveloped Part Two: Mathematics of the Multi-Subject: Secondary Teachers (Grades 7-12) Content Specialty Test for Students with Disabilities Certification (144KB) |
This is to inform you that Part Two: Mathematics of the Multi-Subject: Secondary Teachers (Grades 7-12) Content Specialty Test (MST 7-12) for Students with Disabilities (Grades 7-12) Generalist certification has been revised and became operational on November 12, 2018.
However, the predecessor Part Two: Mathematics (242) of the MST 7-12 for Students with Disabilities (Grades 7-12) Generalist certification will remain available with the current safety net until June 30, 2019. The new Part Two: Mathematics (244) does not have a safety net.
In response to concerns expressed by the field, the New York State Education Department has redeveloped Part Two: Mathematics of the MST 7-12 for candidates pursuing the Students with Disabilities (Grades 7-12) Generalist certificate. A committee of P-12 educators, including experts in mathematics and in the teaching of students with disabilities, higher education teacher preparation faculty, and other New York State education stakeholders have participated in the redevelopment of this assessment.
Please be aware that the new Part Two: Mathematics (244) will have an on-screen scientific calculator available during the test, while the predecessor Part Two: Mathematics (242) still requires that the candidate bring their own approved graphing calculator.
Preparation materials for both assessments are available on the NYSTCE Preparation webpage . The new assessment has its own framework, study guide, and a full-length practice test. Candidates should carefully select the correct preparation materials based on which test they anticipate taking.
Please note that the information in this memo pertains only to changes in Part Two: Mathematics of the MST 7-12 for Students with Disabilities (Grades 7-12) Generalist certification; Parts One and Three of the MST 7-12 will remain the same, including the frameworks and test materials.
Please help to ensure that this information is disseminated to your faculty, certification officers, and most importantly, your candidates.
John L. D’Agati, Deputy Commissioner of Office of Higher Education
Room 975, Education Building Annex
Albany, New York 12234
(518) 486-3633