TEACH System

TEACH School Employer Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions from public schools using the TEACH Online System.

Superintendent Statements

  1. Do we need the District Superintendent’s signature for the Superintendent statements submitted in TEACH?

    No, as an official designated TEACH user for your school district, the Superintendent has given you permission to submit the Superintendent statement on his/her behalf.

  2. For certificates that require a superintendent statement, will there be any effect on the effective date of the certificate if the superintendent statement is not submitted in a timely manner?

    Yes, the effective date will be the date when all of the certification requirements for that certificate – including superintendent statements – are recorded as met in TEACH.

Submitting forms in TEACH

  1. Does TEACH enable school districts to submit the Substitute of Experience for College Supervised Student Teaching Form (OT-11) online?

    No. The Experience in Lieu of Student Teaching for Initial Certification form still needs the actual signature of the employing chief school officer and must be submitted by surface mail directly to NYSED.

  2. Does TEACH enable school districts to submit an application to authorize hiring a Retiree online?

    Yes, go to Submitting an Application for Employment of a Retiree for more information on the application process for hiring retirees.

Data Records in TEACH

  1. Will all existing BRIDGE database records be accessible in TEACH?

    Yes. All of the information contained in the old mainframe database was converted into TEACH.

    Information not maintained in the older database, such as evaluations for certificates issued prior to the TEACH data conversion date, will not be available. In addition, information stored on microfiche (pre-1982) but never entered into the Mainframe database, will not be available in TEACH but can be accessed upon request via a microfiche search.

  2. Can we search by name to find account information about current and prospective employees?

    No, for security reasons, searches in TEACH may only be conducted by Social Security Number (SSN).

  3. Will TEACH enable school districts to see who is listed in the state teacher Clearinghouse?


Last Updated: May 16, 2018