
Educators who hold one or more of the following certificates must register with the Department every five years:

  • Permanent or Professional certificate in the classroom teaching service
  • Permanent or Professional certificate in the educational leadership service (i.e., School Building Leader, School Administrator/Supervisor, School District Leader, School District Administrator, School District Business Leader, or School Business Administrator)
  • Level III Teaching Assistant certificate

Educators who are subject to registration must have "Registered - Active" status in order to practice in an applicable school. While the Commissioner’s regulations allow for a late registration fee of $10 per month, the Department will not be enforcing the late fee at this time during the implementation of the re-registration process. Educators who willfully do not register, or do not provide notice that they are not practicing in an applicable school (i.e., change to "Inactive" status in TEACH), may be subject to moral character review under Part 83 of the Commissioner’s regulations.


The TEACH system will send notices reminding educators to re-register at six months, three months, and one month prior to the expiration date of their registration period. The notices will be sent to the educators’ email address listed in their TEACH account.

It is essential that their personal or home email is listed in TEACH and is verified and current to receive notifications. Educators who are subject to registration must update their TEACH account with their new name or address within 30 days of the changes.

When Educators Can Re-register

Educators can register for their next registration period beginning six months before their registration period expiration date. They can view their registration period expiration date by clicking on “View or Change Registration Status” on their TEACH home screen or clicking on “Account Information” on their TEACH home screen and checking the “Registration Information” section. The expiration date is the last day of the month preceding the educator’s month of birth in the final year of the registration period.

Re-registration Process

At the end of their five-year registration period, educators will re-register in TEACH and will be able to attest to completing the CTLE requirement at that time. With the attestation, they will be registered for another five-year registration period. They can register for their next registration period by following the re-registration directions.

Educators will not send documentation of their CTLE clock hours to the Department for the re-registration process. However, such records must be retained for at least three years from the end of the registration period in which the CTLE was completed and be available for review by the Department upon request.

Educators who do not complete the CTLE requirement during their registration period may request conditional registration (described below) or an adjustment in order to continue practicing in a New York State school district, nonpublic school, or BOCES while completing the CTLE requirement.

Conditional Registration

Educators who are subject to CTLE can request conditional registration for any reason, providing them with an additional year from the expiration date of their current/past registration period to complete the CTLE requirement for their five-year registration period. They will be able to request conditional registration in TEACH beginning six months before their registration expiration date by following the conditional registration directions.

In the request, educators would agree to complete the CTLE requirement by the end of their one-year conditional registration period. Conditional registration cannot be renewed or extended absent good cause.

After educators complete the CTLE requirement during the conditional registration period, they can register for the next five-year registration period. They will be able to register for their next registration period beginning six months before the conditional registration period expiration date.

Last Updated: June 24, 2021