Computer Science Statement of Continued Eligibility (SOCE) Deadline Extended
At its October 2022 meeting, the New York State Board of Regents voted to extend the implementation timeline for the computer science statement of continued eligibility (SOCE) by an additional year. Effective October 19, 2022:
- The computer science SOCE application deadline will be September 1, 2024 (instead of September 1, 2023); and
- Teachers must have taught at least one acceptable computer science course between September 1, 2017 and September 1, 2024 (instead of September 1, 2023) to be eligible for the computer science SOCE.
As a result of these changes, teachers of computer science courses would not need to hold the computer science certificate or SOCE until September 1, 2024. Information about the computer science SOCE is available on the computer science SOCE webpage.
Last Updated:
October 4, 2022