Out-of-State and National Board Teaching certificates
Educator certificates from other U.S. states or territories
If you apply for certification through the “Endorsement of a Certificate” or “Completion of an Educator Preparation Program in Another State” pathway, please send copies of all of your educator certificates (e.g., teaching, educational leadership, pupil personnel services) that you received in another U.S. state or territory, including expired certificates, to: tcert@nysed.gov. A print-out of your certificate information from your certification account in another state is also acceptable.
National Board Teaching Certificate
If the name on your National Board Teaching Certificate is the same as the name on your TEACH account, then you do not need to submit a copy of the certificate to the Office of Teaching Initiatives. If the names on the certificate and in TEACH do not match, then you must submit a copy of your National Board Certificate to: tcert@nysed.gov.