Transitional D Certificate and Certification Progression Requirements
Individuals must apply for a Transitional D certificate when they enroll in a Transitional D program that leads to School District Leader (SDL) certification.The Transitional D certificate enables candidates to obtain the three years of experience required for the Professional School District Leader (SDL) certificate and/or to be employed as a district-level administrator within a New York State (NYS) public school district or BOCES.
The Transitional D certificate is valid only in the district or BOCES recommending the candidate for a certificate. This certificate is also only valid for one of the following time periods, whichever comes first:
- five years, OR
- until the day the candidate is no longer enrolled/has completed the Transitional D program, OR
- until the day the candidate is no longer employed as a district-level administrator by the recommending district or BOCES.
Transitional D Certificate Requirement Documentation
The documentation for the following two certificate requirements would be sent to tcert@nysed.gov. Institutions of higher education would submit their recommendation for certification directly in TEACH. In addition, the district or BOCES would submit their employment and support commitment directly in TEACH.
Job description: Candidates need to submit the job description of the district-level administrator position in which they will be employed while they hold the Transitional D certificate. The position must be in the unclassified service (i.e., not civil service).
Exemplary service in a leadership position: Candidates must demonstrate at least three years of exemplary service in a leadership position in an organization or organizations and demonstrate the following accomplishments.
- Developed and promoted a vision for an organization.
- Collaboratively identified goals for achieving that vision.
- Communicated effectively to promote goals.
- Led data-driven long-term planning.
- Made change through fact-based, ethical decision-making to overcome a challenge.
- Established accountability for achieving goals and objectives.
- Developed aligned professional development.
- Supervised the management of finances and facilities to support achievement of goals.
- Applied statutes and regulations in accordance with law and developed and implemented policies in accordance with law.
Progressing from the Transitional D to the Professional Certificate
For individuals who hold/held a Transitional D certificate to progress to a Professional certificate, they must complete three years of classroom teaching, educational leadership, and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools. At least one of the three years of service must be in a position that requires certification as a school district leader while holding the Transitional D certificate.
Experience in a NYS public school district or BOCES can only count towards certification while working under an appropriate, valid certificate (e.g., Transitional D certificate for a district-level position in the unclassified service).