Career and Technical Education Coursework Requirements
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Initial and Professional certificates include teacher education coursework requirements. Teacher education courses must be completed at an institution of higher education (IHE) with an approved teacher preparation program that leads to certification in the state in which the IHE is located and is approved by a regional accrediting agency or the Commissioner of Education. The Inventory of Registered Programs (IRP) lists the approved teacher preparation programs in New York State. There are also distance learning opportunities.
Individuals who applied for a CTE certificate prior to May 9, 2017 and have an active application must complete a CTE coursework requirement. CTE coursework prepares individuals to teach the following occupational fields in a CTE program: agriculture, business and marketing, family and consumer sciences, health occupations, and technical and trade subjects. The courses must be completed at one of the three institutions of higher education (IHE) with an approved career and technical education teacher preparation program in New York State: SUC at Buffalo, SUC at Oswego, and New York City College of Technology. Information about these programs is available on the Inventory of Registered Programs (IRP). Individuals who wish to fall under the new certificate requirements (effective May 9, 2017 and later) may withdraw their application and reapply for the CTE certificate.
CLEP and DANTES exams can fulfill coursework requirements as long as they are aligned with the topics of the required courses. For example, the CLEP exam “Human Growth and Development” will satisfy the Human Development and Learning certification requirement. The coursework requirement webpage explains how to select appropriate courses and provides resources for finding courses that could fulfill the certificate coursework requirements.