
Certification from Start to Finish

New York State teachers, administrators, and pupil personnel service providers are required to hold a New York State certificate for employment in the State’s public schools. The Office of Teaching Initiatives issues certificates to certify that an individual has met required degree, coursework, assessment, and experience requirements. There are numerous certificates titles in three major categories: classroom teaching, administrative and supervisory, and pupil personnel service (e.g., school counselor, psychologist, social worker).

  1. Choose the best preparation pathway
  2. Find the requirements for the certificate you want
  3. Applying for a certificate
  4. Send us your supporting documentation
  5. Completing coursework to satisfy unmet requirements
  6. Check the status of your application
  7. Your issued certificate(s)
  8. Registration and Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) for Certificate Holders
  9. Apply for an additional certificate
  10. Verification of your NYS Certification
Last Updated: January 16, 2019