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Chart of Teachers Who Were Assigned To Perform Instructional Support Services


District Superintendents; Superintendents of Public Schools; Superintendents of State-Operated and State-Supported Schools; School Personnel Administrators; New York State Council of School Superintendents (NYSCOSS); School Administrators Association of New York State (SAANYS); New York State United Teachers; New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA); Big 5 Conference; Other Interested Parties

From: Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Deputy Commissioner of P16: Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education

May 6, 2009


Tenure for Teachers in Instructional Support Service Positions, Attachment A: Chart of Teachers who were assigned to perform instructional support services prior to May 1, 2009, will be grand-parented

  Tenure for Teachers in Instructional Support Service Positions PDF Image Icon (81KB)

Attachment A: Chart of Teachers who were assigned to perform instructional support services prior to May 1, 2009, will be grand-parented

Teacher hired for instructional support position PRIOR TO May 1, 2009 and still employed as of that date
  1. Outside of former tenure area (without teacher’s knowing consent)
  2. To improper or non-existent tenure area (with teacher’s consent)
  3. Certified, but not appointed to a tenure area (e.g., teacher on leave)
  1. Past and future service applied to prior tenure area
  2. Past and future service applied to tenure area in which certified
  3. Probationary appointment to tenure area for which certified, by July 1, 2009 (for teacher that the district/BOCES desires to continue to employ); future service applied to this tenure area; and regulation does not require any credit for past service prior to probationary appointment

Teacher hired for instructional support position ON or AFTER May 1, 2009
  1. Continues to accrue tenure and seniority in that area
  2. New hire
  1. Currently employed and serving in a proper tenure area
  2. Probationary appointment to tenure area for which certified
Last Updated: April 19, 2012