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Regulation Changes for All Teacher Education Programs and Restructuring Students with Disabilities Certification

CEO: 10-02

Deans and Directors of Institutions of Higher Education Offering Teacher Education Programs

From: Joseph P. Frey, Deputy Commissioner of Office of Higher Education

November 5, 2010


Regulation Changes for All Teacher Education Programs and Restructuring Students with Disabilities Certification

  Regulation Changes for All Teacher Education Programs and Restructuring Students with Disabilities Certification with Attachment pdf format

Revised Guidance
The original version of this guidance document was dated November 3, 2010. We are providing this revised version to clarify the response to question number 13 (page 7), regarding graduate level programs, as follows: 

The six credits each in math, social studies, English and science may be earned at the graduate and/or undergraduate levels.

In 2007, the New York State Education Department (Department) began examining ways to strengthen teacher preparation programs for candidates to ensure greater success for all students.  The field has informed the Department that all educators need to be better prepared to teach all students, especially students with disabilities.  Additionally, the Board of Regents has been reviewing the structure of special education certification to ensure there is a sufficient quantity and quality of special education teachers at the adolescence level.  Based on this review and comment, the Department put forth emergency regulations that became effective as an emergency measure October 26, 2010 to support better preparation of all teachers to understand the needs of students with disabilities and restructure students with disabilities certificate titles at the adolescence level. Pending the Board’s approval in January 2011, the proposed amendment will become effective as a permanent rule on February 2, 2011. This timeline and the regulatory language may change in response to comment and the State’s regulatory process.


The Board of Regents item, Emergency Adoption of Proposed Regulations Relating to the Program Registration Requirements for Teacher Education Programs and the Restructuring of Adolescence Level Teacher Certification for Students with Disabilities, and the emergency regulations,  may be found at  www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2010Meetings/October2010/1010hea1.doc.  Please find attached an informational Questions and Responses document regarding the details for the implementation of the regulations relating to the program registration requirements for teacher education programs and the restructuring of adolescence level teacher certification for students with disabilities teachers.  If you have questions, please contact the Office of College and University Evaluation at (518) 474-1551 or via E-mail to ocuecal@mail.nysed.gov

Attachment pdf format

cc:           Commissioner David Steiner
Senior Deputy Commissioner of Education John King

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Last Updated: April 19, 2012