Related Links
NYSED Resources
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Continuing Education
- NYSED News
- NYCDOE Teacher Resources
- National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI)
Links to Federal Government Resources
- The United States Department of Education web site contains information about federal programs, publications and initiatives of educational reforms in the United States.
- The National Center for Education Statistics web site contains information on recent educational surveys data, statistical reports and documentation on status of U.S. education, recent Department of Education initiatives in ed. research.
- The National Postsecondary Education Cooperative web site facilitates its mission is "to identify and communicate on-going and emerging issues germane to postsecondary education, and to promote the quality, comparability and utility of postsecondary data and information that support policy development, implementation, and evaluation."
- FedWorld Information Network contains a comprehensive listing (with associated links) to web, telnet and ftp sites operated by the federal government.
- The United States Government Printing Office maintains a web site containing the GPO Access database. There are also links to the Federal Depository Library Gateway Web sites.
- FED LINK - a guide to major US Federal Agencies.
- Federal Web Locator, The - intended to be the one stop shopping point for federal government information.
- GOA Access on the Web for Congressional bills, the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, Public Laws, the United States Code and other federal documents.
- U.S. Federal Government Agencies - WWW Virtual Library
Last Updated:
August 9, 2022