
Residency Certificate

This type of certificate is currently available for applicants and is within the Classroom Teachers area of interest.

Residency Certificate


A certificate of this type is issued to individuals who are enrolled in a New York State registered residency program and have an employment and support commitment from a partnering school, school district, or BOCES. The certificate permits individuals to work only in the educational setting for which the commitment for employment and support has been made. The individual cannot be the teacher of record.


Valid for up to three years while the individual is matriculated in the registered residency program. The certificate expires when the individual completes or leaves the program. If such earlier expiration date occurs for an individual who completes the program, the expiration date will be three months after the date of the institutional recommendation for certification.

Leads to

Initial Certificate

Application Fee


Paper Certificate Printed?

No, verify this certification in the TEACH System.










Last Updated: January 3, 2023