
Coaching Licenses

First Aid and CPR Certification Flexibility for Coaches in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis Memo

If an individual holds a valid New York State teaching, school leader or pupil personnel service certificate (e.g. Physical Education, English, Mathematics, School Counselor) they may be appointed (without a valid Coaching certificate) as a temporary coach by a school if there are no certified individuals available with experience and qualifications to coach the team. If you are appointed as a temporary coach by a school, you do not need to apply for a coaching certificate or submit documentation to your NYSED TEACH account. Coaching-related documents should be monitored at the local level and not sent to NYSED. Documents that are sent to NYSED will not be uploaded to the Teach account.  

You may gain a coaching license in these sports.

An individual who never held a New York State coaching license must apply and meet the requirements for a Temporary Coaching License.

An individual who held a temporary license should review the requirements for the next level of coaching license (note - coaching must go in successive order):

As of January 1, 2022, OTI will be going paperless with this application. All coaching documents must be submitted electronically to tcert@nysed.gov with subject line "ATTN: Coaching."

Last Updated: April 11, 2024