Office of Higher Education

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Inventory of Registered Degree and Certificate Programs

CEO: 09-02

Chief Executive Officers of Postsecondary Institutions in New York State and Recipients of the Inventory of Registered Programs

From: Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Deputy Commissioner of P16: Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education

April 2009


Inventory of Registered Degree and Certificate Programs

I am providing the April 2009 edition of the Inventory of Registered Degree and Certificate Programs for your review and records. This edition reflects changes made between December 20, 2007 and April 10, 2009. We are pleased to be able to transmit your institution’s listing electronically this year, in lieu of the paper copy distributed in past years. This method represents a substantial savings in state resources, and has been made possible thanks to collaboration between the Office of Higher Education and the Office of Information Technology Services.

The Inventory is the State Education Department’s official list of all approved degree and certificate programs and all approved programs leading to teacher certification and professional licensure in New York State. This list is used for informational purposes by educational institutions and by the State Education Department’s credentialing units, including professional licensing and teacher certification. The list is also used by the Higher Education Services Corporation and the Office of the State Comptroller in their administration and oversight of State student financial aid programs and by the U.S. Department of Education in its administration and oversight of federal student aid programs.

Please review this list for accuracy. If there are any inaccuracies or needed updates, please contact the Office of College and University Evaluation, Education Building, 5th Floor North Mezzanine, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12234; telephone number (518) 474-1551; or fax (518) 486-2779, or via e-mail at ocueinfo@mail.nysed.gov .

Last Updated: April 19, 2012
April 19, 2012